Monday, September 12, 2011

Baby Steven's First Year: 4 Months

Another month has flown by for us, my baby boy! You are so big now, measuring almost 26 inches long (95th percentile) and you weigh almost 16lbs (75th percentile). So according to the pediatrician you are long and skinny, and a very healthy baby!! I can't believe how much you have grown up this month!

You have definitely found your voice lately. You are babbling to yourself all the time now. You will hold long "conversations" with us much more than you ever did before. You will respond to sounds we make and mimic them back. You even squeal and scream sometimes when you are excited, which is usually quite a surprise to us! But its also super cute.

Another sound you make all the time is laughing. You laugh out loud now and it so adorable. We can make you laugh for a long time now and it is just the sweetest thing ever. You have also started rubbing your eyes when you are sleepy. Its hilarious and makes you look so big already!

You are definitely recognizing mommy and daddy now and smile and giggle when we come in the room. I swear you even held your arms out for me a couple times. That just warms my heart and makes me smile so big when you do that!

This month you are so interested in the world around you. You just look around everywhere we go. When you are in a new situation you get a sort of glazed over look on your face like its just too much to handle right now and you are taking it all in. So precious! You are also much more interested in your toys these days. You can reach them easily now and will hold onto them, shake them and stare at them for a long time. You love to chew on the burp rags Grandma Riegerix made for you. You have decided those make pretty good toys too!

You have been going through some major mood swings this month, being a little crab at times. When you get in that kind of out!!

You have also decided that you're totally over that sleeping through the night thing...which makes mommy crabby! You are waking up once each night to eat still and once in the early morning around 4am to eat again. We are working on that and on getting your naps adjusted! Being swaddled at nap time is helping some. Hopefully you will get adjusted soon and we can all get some more sleep! You are no longer sleeping in our room little man. Since you are sleeping long stretches at night you are in your crib now. So big!

You are so over your pacifier lately. You don't need it at all during the day and only use it for about the first minute when you fall asleep. Once you are asleep you spit it right back out! During the day, you still love to suck on your hands and fingers for comfort, even though you can't yet put yourself to sleep by doing that...We swear you are going to start popping out teeth soon. Although we can't feel any coming in you seem to suck on your hands way more on one side. I think teething is in our near future.

So 4 months old and you are still just the cutest, most precious thing our lives, baby boy! You are having major mood swings, chewing on your hands, burp cloths and anything you can stick in your mouth and smiling/giggling/talking/screaming up a storm now! We love you so much, boo!

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