Saturday, November 16, 2013

Month of Thankfulness Part 1

I love the idea of a month of thankfulness that I've seen on Facebook the past 2 years, where you list something you're thankful for everyday. I know those daily statuses can get annoying however so I decided to list it here. This is the first half of the month.

Nov 1 - I'm SO thankful for my baby boy, Logan. Today is his one month birthday and I can't believe he's been here a month already. At the same time I can't imagine life without him. I'm thankful for his health and for getting to be his mommy.

Nov 2 - I'm also SO thankful for my big boy, Steven. He is a joy to my life and the one who made me a mommy. I'm so lucky and grateful that he is in my life.

Nov 3 - I'm thankful for my wonderful hubby, Steve. He is the love of my life and turns out he's a pretty great guy too! He's such an amazing dad to our 2 boys. I really thank my lucky stars that he's so great with them and takes good care of me too.

Nov 4 - I'm thankful for our home. Even though we wish it would sell and we can move to a bigger space, I'm grateful right now we have this house to call a home. It really is a cute house and both my boys were born while we lived here so it has some special memories for sure.

Nov 5 - I'm thankful for my parents. They are super supportive of me and my family and I am so grateful for that. We are lucky that they love our boys so much and are always willing to help us out with them. They are pretty amazing parents and super awesome grandparents.

Nov 6 - I'm thankful for the friends in my life. I have a few really close girlfriends and I am so lucky to have them in my life. They truly listen to me and support me and that's rare in life to find people you can trust and be yourself around and also have a ton of fun with!

Nov 7 - I'm thankful for the beautiful fall weather. Every year at this time I am in awe of the amazing show nature puts on for us changing all the leaves and seasons. I'm so glad we live in the Midwest where we can enjoy the beauty of each season. Fall is definitely my favorite!

Nov 8 - I'm thankful for my job at the VA. I'm really lucky to be able to stay home with my babies for maternity leave and my job makes that possible. Sometimes its very frustrating but I'm glad to have it and hope I can make a long term career there. Also the people that I work with make it not so horrible. :)

Nov 9 - I'm thankful for weekends. I love the possibility every weekend of seeing friends, family or just hanging out as our family of 4. We always end up doing something fun together and I love that time we have. I'm also thankful for my hubby letting me sleep in on weekends. That is awesome!

Nov 10 - I'm thankful for my in laws. They are some of the best in laws you could ask for and have welcomed me into their family as their own. They also love our boys and do so much for them. We could not function without them and I'm so glad they love us so much.

Nov 11 - I'm thankful for the servicemen and women who protect our country and for our Veterans. I'm so proud to be  a part of a family with a strong military tradition and to be able to work at the VA to help out our nation's heroes.

Nov 12 - I'm thankful for my extended family. Its so nice to have family close in proximity that we get to see them several times a year. They are great to our kiddos and I am lucky to have them!

Nov 13 - I'm thankful for Steve's brothers and sisters who are the boys aunts and uncles. It's so nice that we have so much family that loves our boys. They are the most fun and caring people around and I'm so grateful they are in our lives.

Nov 14 - I'm thankful that we have health insurance to get the care we need. We are all sick with a cold right now and don't have to worry about not being able to get taken care of. That's a huge blessing.

Nov 15 - I'm thankful that we live in the USA. I'm so grateful for all the freedoms we have here and protections from the harm that others have to endure simply because of where they live. We are lucky to be Americans.

Stay tuned for Part 2 at the end of the month...

1 comment:

  1. I like these kinds of posts - it's nice to take time to reflect on the many things we have to be thankful
