Sunday, February 2, 2014

Logan at 4 Months

Four months old already, baby boy! Time sure flies!

yummy hands
You are growing by leaps and bounds each day and I'm trying so hard to savor the little moments because I know they go so fast!

This month you have really become in tune with the wold around you. You're noticing everything lately. When we go into a new room or a new place you look around intently at everything. You're really focusing on things too. You love to grab onto things within reach as well. You're really great at batting the toys above your bouncer and in your car seat. It's so neat to see you starting to do that.

Some people might say you're vain but you love to look at yourself in the mirror lately. I can't blame you, you're the cutest baby around! It's so neat to see you focus on your image. When I look into the mirror too and smile at you, you immediately give me a big smile. It's so hard to get a picture of you smiling though because you focus on the camera or phone as soon as I get it out. I have to be sneaky!

You are such a happy, easy going baby lately. You love to smile and giggle when I tickle you. (And you are ticklish all over!) You've been very laid back lately, not very fussy at all with us. Which is so nice. I know the grandmas say you give them a hard time some days but at home you are almost always happy. You will cry when you need to be fed or get tired but that's understandable!

You're biggest achievement this month was rolling over! You have done it both directions from your back to your belly. You don't love tummy time so I wasn't sure if you'd be behind on this one but you managed to surprise me and rolled right over this month!

We thought you might have started teething this month because everything is going in your mouth. You love to chew on your hands or any other objects you can get to your mouth. You were drooling like crazy too in the beginning of the month but no teeth have come through yet. Which is fine by me!

You're favorite pastimes this month are trying to use your legs to stand. You love to do that when we support your arms or upper body, and your legs are so strong! You still love to follow your crazy brother around the room and he provides a lot of entertainment for you. You love to babble. You will talk and talk away, really loudly sometimes! It's so funny!

Like father like son
We made the big switch to putting you in your crib at night and you didn't skip a beat. You were sort of restless next to our bed all night so I thought maybe in your own room you would do better and I think you really do. You usually sleep a solid 5-6 hour stretch when we first put you down and then up to feed and sleep another 2 or so hours in the morning. You are regressing a little bit in putting yourself to sleep, we do have to rock you most nights but that could be the 4 month wakeful, teeth or just getting rocked more at the grandparents. You're still really not bad though and don't take a ton of help to put you to sleep so that's nice.

So 4 months old already! Time is really flying by! You have discovered your hands and batting at your toys. You're rolling over and babbling. You're a pretty easy going boy who loves to laugh and be tickled. You're sleeping in your crib now and doing great. We've had so much fun with you this month, Logan. Can't wait to see what next month brings.

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