Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Last Week

We are nearing my last week of maternity leave and it seems that once again time has moved faster than I could have imagined or anticipated. I was so lucky to be able to take an extended maternity leave and spend the first 12 weeks of my son's life taking care of him full time. What a blessing it has been to be able to hold, cuddle and love on that sweet boy 24/7 for the past 3 months. I have cherished our time together, baby boy!

It will be sort of sad not being able to be there with him everyday like I have been. If we could figure out how to make it work financially for us, I would stay home in a heartbeat. I have discovered that there is really no greater blessing than being able to spend time with my son, watching him grow and discover the world around him. I am envious of all the other moms who are able to stay home and enjoy that time with their children everyday. I wish we had that option right now, but we just don't. Hopefully someday in the future we will.

So I'm trying very hard not to be sad its my last week home with the baby, but its very hard. I am not looking forward to going back to work full time and being away from him for 11 hours everyday. Of course I am worrying about the transition, probably way more than I need to. I'm sure he will probably be fine. He is going to be in the best hands possible, with his grandparents. We are so blessed to have that support from our parents and we couldn't be more grateful. But that doesn't mean a mommy won't worry. Hopefully everything will go fine, but I'm sure there will be some tears (mine and his) on the first few days back to work. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. I know it will be tough... but at least we work at a place that has such wonderful people and knows that family comes first
