Wednesday, July 17, 2013

2nd Time Around - 28 Weeks

Third trimester you guys!! WOOOOOOT! I am so excited to be in the third trimester its not even funny. This pregnancy has seemed to drag for some reason. Here's the bump!

I just realized this week that I'll have my birthday before the baby gets here. That seems crazy to me, maybe because I'm so focused on the baby's arrival. Turning 31 doesn't sound too exciting to me either. womp womp.

Things are going really great. The round ligament pain is finally gone, thank goodness! That was really a bummer and was bringing me down so much. Finally the last 2 weeks I haven't had the constant pain and have been able to do everything I could usually do, so that's a huge relief. This weekend we worked in the yard for like 4 hours and I spread 9 bags of mulch by myself! Woot! Of course I was dead tired afterwards but still. Its so nice to have some energy back and to be able to chase Steven around the yard again.

Everything else is going great with the pregnancy. Everything's normal and baby's kicking away like crazy. He doesn't really kick like Steven did he more like flails around and does somersaults in there. Its a pretty weird feeling. And he does that ALL DAY. Very active baby I have in there!

In other news I've been updating the nursery getting ready for this little man. We decided to do an outer space theme and I'm pretty stoked about it. I've just ordered a few things and put them up. I'm hoping to have some homemade things to hang in there because I really loved having that for Steven. So it still needs a bit of work but there has definitely been some progress in there. I'll do a room reveal when its all finished.

So I think that's about it. We are staying super busy and this pregnancy is going great!