Tuesday, February 1, 2011

27 Weeks...Growing Pains

This has been the first week of the third trimester and so far so good. I read there were some new symptoms and things to watch for in the third trimester and I didn't expect them to come right away but they started this week! One new symptom has been an increase in aches and pains, especially in my legs and back. They say this is normal due to the increased weight of the baby on your body. But I've definitely noticed a difference this week. I also have started getting charlie horses in my legs and this is supposed to be normal too but ouch! Those hurt! I guess I am firmly in the third trimester now!

I went to the doctor this week and he did a glucose test. I think it tests for diabetes...not totally sure. But I had to drink some sugary stuff and get blood work an hour afterwards. They made it sound like the stuff tasted awful but really it just tasted like really sweet Kool Aid. It wasn't so bad. Anyway, my results are normal, so yay! For some reason I was really worrying about that test. But everything is good.

This week the baby is still growing and gaining weight. The doctor says he weighs about 2lbs now. He said he is big for his age but still normal, around the 85 percentile. The baby's brain tissues are continuing to develop so they baby's brain activity is increasing now. They say he could even be sucking on his fingers in there now! How cute is that?! The baby is looking something like this, this week:

I'm going to try to put up a picture of how I look each week now that I'm in the 3rd trimester. Here's how big the belly is at 27 weeks, getting pretty big!

Exciting Moment of the Week: A few weeks ago some really generous friends (Julie and Matt)and family (Dan and Meghan) loaned us a ton of stuff for the baby. It was so nice!!! This week I finally got to going through those things and putting them away in our house. They really loaned us a lot of stuff! Our guest room was piled high. That was really exciting to have such generous friends and family!

What I am Missing this Week: The only thing I am really missing this week is being able to take medicine for these new aches and pains. I think I can take Tylenol but I really don't want to take anything if I don't really have to. (I know I'm one of those paranoid moms already!) If it gets really bad I will ask my doctor, but for now I'm going to tough it out. :)

Symptoms this Week: Just experiencing those aches and pains I talked about already. Plus, I'm really stuffy this week. I think I am coming down with what is going around the office. The other thing that has been a new symptom this week is my big belly getting in my way. Its finally happening!

Obsessions this Week: Not really obsessed too much with anything this week. Still trying to finish off the nursery.

Message to the Baby: Baby we love you so much! You are getting huge in mommy's belly! You are kicking all the time now and are very active. We can't wait to meet you!

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