Thursday, August 25, 2011

TV Time

One of the things that I love about summer is the TV. If you know me you know I hate the weather when its above 80 degrees out, so it makes sense that I love summer TV. This summer, a few good new series have come out that I am absolutely loving! Of course some of my old favorites are back this year too. And sadly, one summer favorite did not make it back this year...

By far my favorite series of the summer has been Falling Skies. It is really an awesome show. Its about a group of people that are left after an alien invasion that has destroyed almost everything on Earth. Its about how they try to survive and eventually how they try to fight back against the aliens. It is definitely Sci Fi but also has a lot of great characters and relationships. It kind of reminds me of Lost, which is probably one of my favorite shows of all time. Its got great actors, like Noah Wylie, and him being easy on the eyes doesn't hurt. ;) Its also directed by Steven Spielberg, maybe you've heard of him?

I was always on the edge of my seat at every episode. Its got a lot of action, drama and great storylines. The season finale came way too quickly and I cannot wait for it to come back next summer! (Please don't cancel it, TNT!!)

The only other new show this summer that I've been into is Teen Mom. I know, I know but I can't help myself! Its just so interesting! Drama!! ha ha It follows a few of the girls on 16 and Pregnant after their babies are born and shows what they are up to now.

This isn't a "new" show because they have had seasons before but this season they are following the original teen moms again. I had not seen the original season of teen mom so I had to catch up before this one started....that was a waste of my life. LOL I watched all the reruns back to back on maternity leave and it was exhausting! But this season has been pretty good. There's lots going on with the Teen Moms now that their kids are older, and I think it is more interesting to me now that I'm a mom.

As long as I'm going with guilty pleasures I might as well let it all out...I'm glad Jersey Shore is back. I know, its super bad that I like that show. And believe, me I try not to like it, but its just so entertaining!

Yes, I agree with you that these are probably some of the worst human beings on the planet but its just so funny to watch them be total idiots. Steve and I laugh at loud every episode. Hilarious...don't judge!

A super favorite that comes back in the summer is True Blood. It is very popular so I'm sure that's no surprise. The vampire thing is very in apparently...

Steve and I really like this show. He likes it for the Sci Fi supernatural stuff I think and of course I like the love story (I'm still rooting for a Sookie and Bill reunion but who knows). Its a bit weirder this season than it has been in the past but we still like it. Its pretty crazy though. Lots going on, its almost like what could they do next!?! They are having creatures on this show I've never even heard of. Its pretty crazy. I've been wanting to read the books but haven't gotten them yet. Maybe soon...

Two other shows I love this summer are The Closer and Rizzoli and Isles. These are both great crime shows on TNT. The Closer is in its last season and I'm so sad. Its a great show, very suspenseful and with a great twist at the end usually. Also, it features a lot about her family and love life and that's really interesting too.

Rizzoli and Isles is a really fun crime show about two friends, one is a detective and the other is medical examiner. They are pretty hilarious together and the crime part of the show is really interesting as well.

Another awesome show that came back this summer is Flipping Out on Bravo. This show is so hilarious and entertaining. It follows a design business, Jeff Lewis design, as they redo houses in California.

Jeff Lewis is just an amazingly uptight, anal, immature gay guy and he really makes the show. He is so funny and mean to his employees (which include his close family and friends) there is always plenty of drama. Plus sometimes they have celebrity clients which is exciting. I also enjoy the design aspect of the show, but the don't show too much of that.

One show that was a big time favorite that didn't come back this summer is Stargate Universe. I know, Steve has really gotten me into the dorky Sci Fi shows, but this one was super good! It was always exciting and had great, great characters. I really miss it. Sad it got cancelled :(

So that's what I've been watching this summer, when I have time! What have you guys been watching? I'm excited for some of my favorite fall shows to start soon. I can't wait for the new season of Survivor, Biggest Loser and American Idol. Oh and lets not forget about football season starting! Yeah! What is everyone looking forward to on the fall TV lineup?

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