Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Very Special Day

This past weekend, we had a very special occasion to celebrate. Baby Steven got baptized. It was really a beautiful baptism at the church where we got married, Mt. Tabor United Church of Christ. I have belonged there since I was a little kid and probably was baptized there as well. My mom went there growing up and it is just a very special place in my heart, so we thought that was the best place to do it. Isn't that a great tradition?

Another awesome tradition we honored that day was baby Steven's baptismal gown.. He actually wore a baptism dress made by Steven's mother's mom. All of Steve's brothers and sisters wore it to be baptized and our niece, Willow, actually wore it 3 years ago at her baptism! How wonderful is that? Steve's mom embroidered all their names and dates of their baptism on the gown and baby Steven's name will go on there now too. Doesn't he just look precious in the gown? He was such a good sport about wearing it.

The ceremony was beautiful. We were able to have Steven's grandparents as well as his Godparents, Tim and Jordan, stand up to support him. Here are some pictures from the actual ceremony.

The day was so special. It was filled with so much love from our closest family and friends. It was just amazing. Practically everyone special in our lives came to celebrate with us. Steven is so blessed to have such a great family and friends to support and love him! Here are some of the amazing people in our lives that just love him so much!

After church we went to Schafly Bottleworks for lunch where we basically took over the restaurant. I think I counted 25 people there. Can you believe that many people came to our baby boy's baptism!?! What a loving and wonderful family we have! Here are some photos from our lunch celebration.

1 comment:

  1. Um closest friends and I wasn't invited... thanks... jk jk that's really special the the baptism gown how cute!
