Friday, March 16, 2012

Park Playday

We have been having the most gorgeous spring weather lately! Its like 20 degrees warmer than normal for this time of year. I love it! Its been so cute to put Steven in his little shorts and t-shirts. He just loves to be outside too.

So one evening this week we walked to a park near our house to take Steven there for the first time. He loved it!!! I swear he had the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face the entire time. There were other kids there and he loved that. He walks right up to them and giggles. Its pretty cute.

But he had the most fun climbing around on the equipment at the park. He loved exploring the new areas. Here he is with daddy practicing climbing. So cute!

By far Steven's favorite thing at the park was the slide. We went down with him a few times at first and he liked that a lot.
But I think we were too slow for him. He wanted to slide and slide. So we ended up setting him at the top of the kiddy slide and trying to catch him but the second we set him up there he scooched to the edge and boom! slide down on his own! He was so NOT scared. How adorable. As soon as we caught him at the bottom he whined and squirmed to do it again! This kid loves to slide!

After all the fun we had a little dinner picnic at the park. So fun! I hope we can do this again more if the weather holds out! Yay spring!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a lot of fun! Steve's legs are so white! (sorry, I just had to say that!)

    Steven is so adorable!
