Tuesday, June 4, 2013

St. Louis Renaissance Faire

A few weekends ago we took Steven to the St. Louis Renaissance Faire. This fair comes in every summer for a few weekends in May and June. Big Steve loves to go to this. He usually goes with his friends but this year he really wanted to take Steven. I'm not a huge fan, we went once when we were dating and it's not my favorite place to be. But I agreed Steven would have a blast so off we went.
We bought tickets online for Memorial Day and it ended up raining a lot the day before. It was scheduled to rain that day but not till later in the afternoon so we went anyway. I didn't realize the grounds would be so muddy (duh). Not only did we get muddy but that affected the faire too. They didn't have some of the shows they would normally have like the joust with the horses, so that was kind of a bummer.
We let Steven have a pony ride and it was pretty cute. But of course he freaked out. Ha ha. Waiting for the ride he was really excited.
Look mom! Horsey!
During not so much...
Not sure about this...
Afterward just one lap he was done. Ha ha! He got off and they actually gave us some of our money back because he didn't do the 2 laps we paid for. So that was nice. But of course as soon as he got off the horse he was like, "Ride this one, Mommy?" Stinker.

They have a lot of neat shows but we didn't get to see too many. We didn't get a map or show schedule for some reason when we came in so we just wandered aimlessly.

Steven did get to play with toys which was pretty cool. I did it too, it was pretty fun!

Almost got it! So big!
I think the girl got annoyed with him because he tried to use them as drumsticks or something? I wasn't watching but, come on, he's 2. LOL

We sat down to watch the joust but because of the mud they didn't use the horses (bummer) and didn't do it in the regular arena. They did it on a path near the arena and we ended up being on the wrong side for that. Boo

Big Steve was really tired from walking around and fighting being sick. I was pretty tired too so we decided to grab a snack and jet. Steven loved the sno-cone. It was my first one of the summer and was delicious.
As we started walking out it started to rain so it was actually good timing to leave. Steven fell asleep in the car like .5 seconds after leaving so he must have been tired too. Next year we will pick a better weather day and make sure to get a map! I think Steven enjoyed it though.

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