Monday, June 3, 2013

2nd Time Around - 22 Weeks

It's been a while since I did one of these updates. Life has been crazy! So I hit the halfway mark last week, that's something! Baby bump is in effect!

Nothing really too exciting going on with the pregnancy. We had the anatomy scan a few weeks ago and everything is looking good with the baby. He is definitely a boy! The tech said he was very, um generous about showing her those parts. ha ha! They were slightly concerned about the position of my cervix and placenta but said nothing to worry about yet, just to watch. I go back for a follow up ultrasound at 32 weeks so hopefully that problem is corrected by then.

I got to debut my maternity swimsuit on our trip. I really loved it. It fit great and still had plenty of room to grow for this summer. It was super comfy too.

I'm feeling really good. I'm getting bigger, so that's never fun. Definitely in maternity pants all the time now. Some regular shirts I can get away with still but for the most part I'm wearing maternity. I'm not uncomfortably big yet though so that's good. (have that to look forward to still.)

I have been more tired lately. Steven was really clingy on the trip and he was a bit sick after, which made him even more clingy. I got really worn out trying to carry him around. He's 30lbs now! That surprised me getting tired carrying him around. I'm used to being able to do it no problem!
I did have some lower stomach pain during the trip and after. My OB said it's probably round ligament pain which is just from my body stretching out to accommodate the growing baby. He said its nothing to worry about unless it comes with back pain (no) and spotting (no). So we are good! Still having itchiness, though ugh! That's annoying but luckily the rash from hell hasn't returned (cross your fingers).

Baby has been kicking like crazy! He started really kicking on our trip and has been kicking consistently since we got back. Steve has even gotten to feel it a few times, which is awesome. He's a strong kicker and I feel like this is going to hurt later, when he's bigger.

So overall I'm already over halfway there and still doing well!

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