Saturday, October 8, 2011

Baby Steven's First Year..Five Months

Happy five months of life, baby boy! Can't believe its here already.  Look at how big you've gotten!

This past month you have just been growing and changing everyday it seems like. You are such a joy to our lives and we feel so lucky to be your parents, Steven.

This month you really started to get into reading books, which makes mommy so happy. You will sit while we read a book to you and look at the pages intently. You also sometimes make sounds along with us when we are reading which makes us think you want to read too! This month when we read and you sit on mommy's lap you've started craning your neck to the side to get a view of who is reading to you. When I look back at you, you smile big and that melts mommy's heart!

Probably your biggest accomplishment this month has been rolling over. You have been trying to figure it out for a while and may have managed to roll over a time or two before but this month you were off to the races! In the beginning of the month, I think you really surprised yourself when you rolled over for the first time. You can see that video here. One night you just decided it was time I guess because you kept trying and finally did it! Here you are during one of your first attempts, still trying to figure it out.

Now that we are at the end of the month you are a rolling over pro. Every time we set you down on your stomach you roll right over, both ways. We are so proud of you, boo!

Since you are so into the world around you now, you have really taken an interest in your toys. You will really play with things for a while now and check them out. We got you this light up ball and you just love it. You are so cute now, you will squeal really loud when you are happy. Adorable.

This month marks the start of football season. You got to celebrate it with your Dad and Grandpa Gooden watching the Rams game! Don't you look the part!

You have such a personality now, little man. You have started imitating our faces we make at you. You picked up this face from somewhere and make it all the time now. We call it your stink face! Too funny!

Another fun thing you have discovered this month is splashing in the bathtub. Its super cute to watch you figure out how to splash and squeal when you do. So adorable!

So 5 months old already, buddy. You are reaching out for things, rolling over, squealing when you are happy, really getting into your toys, splashing in the bathtub and making some pretty crazy faces. You are such a joy everyday, baby boy. We love you so much!

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