Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Baby Steven's First Year...Nine Months

Nine months! Already!! Crazy...Baby boy you are so big this month. This has been a month of adjusting to your ever growing self. We had to get a convertible car seat this month as you maxed out your infant seat. We also had to lower your crib setting because you are pulling up now. We had to get rid of your baby bathtub because you are way too big for it. We've had to start to baby proof too. You are just getting so big! Its ridiculous.

Probably the biggest development this month has been TEETH!! You actually got them at the very last day of December on the 31st. Your first tooth finally broke through. Soon after, your second one appeared. So cute! We are so proud of you.

And it is amazing the things you can manage to eat with just two teeth! You are gnawing through everything we put on your tray lately. You are a great eater.

The second biggest thing this month has been getting sick. You have been sick a lot this month. We all had a nasty virus and passed it around to each other. You got it bad and then you got double ear infections! Poor baby. We had some rough nights (and days) because of that but luckily we are all healthy again!

You are learning things everyday it seems like. You can help us turn pages in books now, turn off the lights in a room and give high fives! You love to play standing up and holding onto something too now. You are even starting to think about pulling up on things. Its crazy how much you can learn in just one month.

This month you've been really working on crawling. You will maneuver yourself around on the floor and its amazing how far you can reach things without actually crawling over to get them. Usually you reach out for something and if its just beyond your grasp you will essentially belly flop on the floor and sprawl out to try to reach it. If you still can't get it you'll squirm around and try your hardest to get over there but you aren't really going anywhere just yet....except backwards! You've learned how to push yourself backwards but that just frustrates you because you are getting further away from where you want to go! This usually results in crying...poor guy.

Your dad and I are confident you will figure out this crawling thing soon enough though! You're so stubborn you won't give up until you've mastered it!

You are such a love bug this month too. You will grab onto us and not want to let go when we have to put you down. You wrap your arms around our necks when we are carrying you and give big hugs. You also lean in for kisses a lot lately. Melts my heart!!

Along with being a love bug you have developed a bit of separation anxiety. You don't like to be left alone for any length of time and prefer to be held if mommy or daddy are in the room. You will fuss a little when we give you to someone but if its someone you know like grandma or grandpa you will be ok pretty quickly. I keep telling myself to cherish these moments where you want to be close to us because they won't last forever!

Steven, I can't believe how quickly the past 9 months have flown by. You seem to be growing up by the minute this month. You've accomplished so much, scooting around, getting teeth, starting to pull up, turning pages in books, giving high fives...I just can't keep up with you anymore! You are such a joy to my life everyday the best part of my day is always coming home to see your smiling face (and watching you freak out a little when you realize mommy's home!!). I love you so much little man.

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