Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WW Week 1

First week on Weight Watchers done! So how did it go? The first few days were kind of hard adjusting from what I would normally eat to what I am eating now. I found myself really thinking about everything I put in my mouth which is a good thing. One day at work it was about a half hour before lunch and I thought about grabbing something but decided to wait to lunch to avoid the points for that granola bar or whatever I might have eaten normally. So that's a good thing! I also ate a TON more fruits and veggies this week since they are free. So that's a very good thing!

A couple of days I did find myself very hungry around the 4-5 o'clock hour, right before dinner. I need to get into the habit of having a healthy snack around that time to hold me over until dinner. This second week I've tried bringing an extra piece of fruit for that time, so we'll see how that works!

I tried some WW recipes this week too and that was fun. I made this Ziti recipe and it was pretty good. I ended up having to add marina sauce because it was too dry but other than that it was good and we had a ton of leftovers. The nice thing about using recipes from the WW website is you don't have to input them to track them. The bad thing is that I ended up adding things like the marinara which throws off the points. You can edit the recipe to make it a custom version, I just haven't done that yet.

I also found out that I can still have my subway for lunches! Yay! A 6 inch turkey sub on wheat with all the veggies you want is only 6 points. Woo hooo!! No mayo for me of course but its still yummy with mustard.

Unfortunately I didn't lose any weight this week. I was pretty bad on the weekend, going out to happy hour and a few drinks with some girlfriends and then I gave into Taco Bell on Saturday so....no weight loss, but its not a big surprise. I also didn't get a chance to go to the gym except one time. Its really hard to figure it out time to go with Steven and Steve's school schedule, but I need to work harder on that one.

So for this week, I'm going to try very hard to be better on the weekends and make it to the gym! Looking forward to making some new recipes too. I hope everyone has a great week!

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