Cutie photo bomb! |
32 weeks you guys! That means its officially only single digits (8 weeks) till my due date. Can you believe it? People keep saying that this pregnancy has "flown by" and I want to smack them! ha ha! No really, I'm sure its flown by for you on the outside looking in but I've been pregnant every.single.day. It hasn't been horrible but I'm just definitely ready to not be pregnant anymore. Notice I didn't say ready for the baby to come because I'm not sure I'm completely ready for that yet but being pregnant is just draining (especially with a toddler).
Holy baby bump! |
These past few weeks I have just felt really tired all the time and am getting to the "I feel huge" stage. I can't bend down to pick things up like I used to, its a strain. I can't move around as quickly or get up off the floor quickly. UGH. See what I mean about ready to not be pregnant!? Even though I'm sick of not being able to do what I used to do I'm kind of freaking out about adding this baby to our family. I'm worried about all kinds of things. I'm worried how Steven will react. I think initially he will love the baby because that's how he has reacted to our friend's baby and his new cousin. But how will it affect him long term? Will he eventually get sick of having the baby around? Will he be aggressive towards him (we are still dealing with some hitting/biting/throwing things issues)? Will he think we love him less? Along with that, how will I react? I LOVE Steven so much its hard to imagine my heart being any fuller with love than it already is. Everyone says its possible but its just definitely hard to imagine.
Another thing I'm freaking out about is taking care of the new baby. Last time I felt (at least I think I felt) really prepared to handle a newborn. I had read a lot of books and talked to a lot of people. This time I haven't really read anything (because, hey I've done this before) but now I'm starting to feel really nervous about remembering everything about a newborn. And also the idea of what I did before might not work this time as well as handling a newborn AND a toddler. I feel very unprepared and clueless!
Well that was a big brain dump, wasn't it? Sorry. On the bright side I went to the Dr last week and everything is looking great with the baby. He's healthy and measuring right where he should be. We have a follow up anatomy ultrasound on Friday to double check some things but the OB said everything looks great.
So that's a blessing. Baby still is kicking like crazy and all the fun 3rd trimester symptoms are kicking in, heartburn, hard to get comfortable in bed, peeing every 5 seconds, etc. Good times!
I think we finally decided on a baby name for real. We are naming him Logan Garrett. We both like Logan, Steve has liked it for a long time and it grew on me. Garrett is after my dad, who's name is Gary. I think it would be neat if Logan was born on my dad's birthday, Oct. 4th. We shall see! That's all for now. I'll keep you guys updated (or try really hard to do so).
Yay!! For the record I don't think you look huge at all! And I bet that newborn stuff will come right back to you, like riding a bike or something :)