Monday, January 10, 2011

23 Weeks - Karate Kid

I think I can characterize this week by saying our baby is probably going to be a karate star. He has been kicking like crazy lately and some of the kicks can be pretty intense! I think its only going to get worse. Before the kicks were just like little flutters and it was so cute. But this week there have been some that have made me stop what I'm doing and be like what the heck kid? ha ha! Steve still can't feel it though which makes me sad. The baby usually kicks the hardest in the morning or when I'm at work so that could be part of it. I hope he's not getting too frustrated with me making him feel my belly all night to try to feel the baby's kicks!

This week I got some sort of cold/sinus thing and thats been tough. It really isn't too bad and I totally expected to get sick this winter (like I do every year). The only bad part is not being able to sleep at night. I really didn't want to take any medicine but not sleeping at all is not good for mama. My doctor said I could take Robitussen and that has helped me sleep a little bit. I hope this cold is on its way out soon!

Steve and I took a fun roadtrip to Indianapolis this weekend to the Colts playoff game. It was a last minute thing and I only got to go because his friend was sick and they had already bought the tickets. We had a great time! The Colts lost, sadly, but it was still fun. This baby has already been to 3 NFL games this year including one playoff game! He's gonna be a football fan for sure! :) Here's a picture of us at the game. Sorry its so fuzzy!

This week the websites say the baby is weighing about a pound, but I bet our baby is much bigger. They also say that we might be able to see him "squirm" under my clothes soon. Um..ew. I'm not looking forward to that one. That reminds me of a nightmare I had early in the pregnancy about that scene from Alien where the baby erupts from the mom's stomach. ha ha! The baby is developing his blood vessels in his lungs this week to prepare for breathing. Also, the baby is beginning to be able to hear sounds from the outside world. That's kind of exciting! The baby is looking like this: (so cute!)
Exciting Moment of the Week: Feeling the baby's little kicks are pretty exciting. I wish Steve could feel them too! Even though its intense sometimes its a great feeling because you know he's doing ok in there. Keep kicking little guy!

What I am Missing this Week: Not really missing anything this week. We had a great trip to Indy and I wasn't overtired or anything. Although I did have to stop 2 times each way to pee. That is about the worst symptom going on right now. The second trimester really rocks.

Symptoms this Week: Nothing really happening symptom-wise. Like I said the second trimester has been awesome. I have lots of energy back and I don't feel too uncomfortable. I'm hoping this good feeling lasts!

Obsessions this Week: We put the crib together this week and it looks awesome! Although the furniture we got is pretty big so it takes up almost the whole room, but that room is tiny. I am really nesting now, getting things set up in the baby's room. I am tryin to figure out what I want to hang on the walls and I hope to get that done this weekend. :) Can't wait!

Message to the Baby: Baby, we are so enjoying dreaming about our future with you this week. I think we have pretty much decided on your name and I really hope you like it! Your dad and I have been talking a lot about how our life is going to change when you get here and we just cannot wait to show you the world!

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