This week the baby has been doing much of the same, kicking pretty consistently and almost all day. They baby is gaining weight and it says he is about a pound this week, although I suspect he is bigger than that. Although he is very tall and thin right, the baby will begin to plump up during the next weeks. His brain and lungs are developing too this week. His lungs are branching out and developing the fluid that will enable his lungs to inflate once he is born. The baby looks like this now:

I'm still feeling great. I have lots of energy so we are getting things done. Steve and I worked very hard on the nursery while he was on winter break from school. We are mostly done with it, I just need to decide what to put on the walls and we need to build some shelves in the closet. Steve goes back to school this week. It is crazy to think that his finals week for this semester is the same week we are due! I hope that all works out. He decided to not take classes this summer (good decision) so he can be home with me and the baby in the evenings. I'm so glad for that because I'm sure I will be exhausted!
Exciting Moment of the Week: I got a chance to work on the nursery with my mom and Steve this weekend and that was really great. Mom helped to decide what to hang on the walls and we actually got a few things up! It is nice to see some progress in that room. I can't wait until it is finished completely!
What I am Missing this Week: Not really missing much this week. I let myself have some tea with lunch one day this week and that was so delicious. So I guess I'm missing being able to have tea or soda with lunch of I want to but its not that bad.
Symptoms this Week: The only new symptom this week is since the baby is kicking so much it makes it harder to sleep sometimes. He will wake me up some nights from his kicking. I guess he doesn't like it if I lay in one position too long and he will let me know about it! Other than that, I'm feeling really great. I've had the general stuffiness that goes along with pregnancy and some back aches and muscle spasms starting but its not so bad!
Obsessions this Week: Still putting the finishing touches on the nursery so that's been on my mind lately. I have a few more projects to finish in there and I can't wait to get those things done.
Message to the Baby: Baby, we are super excited about your growth this week! We hope you are working on your little brain in there and you are as smart as can be! We love you so much already. I'm enjoying your little jabs and kicks even though they wake me up sometimes. Its like your way to tell me you are ok. Keep growing in there and getting bigger. We can't wait to meet you!
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