Thursday, March 31, 2011

35 Weeks...Nesting Mania

Only 5 more weeks till the baby comes...actually 4 because I already done with 35 weeks. Can you believe that? Some people keep telling me I'm going to go early, some people are saying I'm going to be on time or late. But really, who knows?! I kind of feel like a ticking time bomb...could go off at any minute!! Eeek! This week I have been nesting like crazy. I don't know what happened to me but I've been organizing, cleaning, reorganizing pretty much everything in our house! I've been attaching the closets, giving away old clothes and other things we don't use. I've even organized our storage space! I think I am starting to drive Steve crazy!!

This weekend we got to spend time with family and friends and that was nice. We got to attend our good friends Julie and Matt's son, Jacob's 2nd birthday party. That was so much fun! It was nice to see all of their family and also that super cute kiddo. I cannot believe he is 2 already! It seems like just the other day, Julie was prego. Now we are prego and Jakey is 2! Crazy.

This week the baby is filling up the space in the womb. He won't be able to flip around much after this week. We are hoping he has rested in the correct position to be born and stays there! His kidneys are fully developed and his liver is now able to process waste. Here's how he's looking now:

Exciting Moment of the Week: Its been really nice getting so many things done this week. I've been cleaning/organizing/nesting like crazy and even though it drives Steve crazy it really helps with my anxiety. I am so nervous that things won't be ready when the baby comes and getting things done has really been helping with that. On that note, Steve and I have gotten most things from our registry that we still needed with the gift cards we got. We also were able to return some things to Cotton Babies and get some other things we needed. So that was very exciting!

What I am Missing this Week: My center of gravity? Ha! I've been a lot more lopsided now with this growing belly really throwing me off. It is a big adjustment to make now in the later part of the 3rd trimester. I really can't do anything without being conscious of the belly.

Symptoms this Week: Same types of things going on this week. I'm still getting tired very easily after walking around for a short period of time. I'm a lot slower than I used to be too! Besides that the itchy skin has come back with a vengence. It cooled down for a while, but now its back and worse than ever! I don't know if this counts as a symptom but my worrying and anxiety about having the baby/raising the baby/everything in general has seemed to spike this week too.

Obsessions this Week: Like I mentioned before, I've become obsessed with cleaning and organizing everything this week. Not such an awful obsession...

Message to Our Baby: Baby, we are so excited to meet you. It seems like you could be here at any minute! Even though you are making mommy worry a lot we are both so excited to have you in our lives and cannot wait till you are born!

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