Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Steven at 21 Months

Catch up post, February 2013, 21 Months

Favorite Things:
  • This month we got a big snow and you loved playing in the snow. I was working from home that day and you had to come home early from daycare. You came up to me and said "mommy snowman." It was SO precious. Of course I wanted to go outside and play with you right then!
  • You still love to dance when you hear music. This month you have figured out how to turn on the radio in our bedroom (and at Grandma Gooden's house). You'll start moving and groovin as soon as the music comes on. You do a little shake of your shoulders and its pretty adorable.
  • You've been really into the movie The Lorax this month. We watched it one day on Netflix and you've requested to watch "lax" everyday since then. You love to get up and dance during the songs and even know some of the lyrics.
  • You are super into your Chapstick this month. You will request "my stick" and want to put it all over your face. Its hard to get that back from you without a fight!

New Skills/Tricks:
  • A very frustrating new trick you learned this month is you will spit out your food half chewed, usually on the carpet. Very annoying! (The dogs love it though.)
  • This month you have really been testing your boundaries and seeing what you can get away with. We've had an increase in bad behavior and timeouts. You sometimes are so good at cleaning up your toys and you will sing the clean up song. Other times you will throw a fit and refuse to clean up. I think you are really testing your limits (already!?).
  • You learned how to unbuckle your car seat and that has been no fun. Most of the time you will just keep your hand on the buckle until we get home but you always have that mischievous look in your eye...

  • This month your vocabulary is really growing. You seem to repeat everything we say. You will often say 3 word sentences and string small sentences together such as "Hi Mommy. How are you?"
  • You've started saying "Aw niiiiice" LOL
  • You've really started paying attention out the window when we drive. You will yell out things you see like "truck!" or "big truck!" "snow" etc.

Big Events this Month:

  • We have loved playing in the snow this month. Not too much else going on with the cold weather outside.

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