Monday, November 14, 2011

Baby Steven's First Year..Six Months

This is one mommy who cannot believe her little baby is already a half of a year old! Time really does fly by way too quickly.

This month you are growing by leaps and bounds, little man. You are now 28 inches long and weigh almost 19 lbs! Such a big boy!

In the beginning of the month you were practicing sitting up and needed help to stay up. You would topple over really easily if we let you go. Now you are a pro! You are sitting up on your own regularly and rarely fall over like you used to. You can sit by yourself for a long time too.

You are showing your independence this month too. You will play by yourself sitting on the floor for a while now. You don't mind if we aren't right there next to you, you will just play along all by yourself. Your toys keep your interest for a long time and your focus is really good. If you are determined to figure out a toy, you will try and try for a long time. You are getting to be such a big boy!

One of your favorite toys is the exersaucer. You love to bounce around in it! You go a little crazy!!

You are so interested in your furry siblings this month. You didn't pay much attention to the puppies until last month when you started to notice them around you. But this month you are all about the dogs, especially Zora.

You love to reach out and pet them if they are close enough to touch. You get a little sad when they decide they've had enough and walk away. Its pretty cute.

They seem to love you too...a little too much sometimes! This picture just cracks me up!

Another super cute thing you are doing this month is trying so hard to copy the funny sounds we make with our mouths. You have been blowing and blowing air through your lips trying to make them vibrate. You will do it all the time too, not just when we are doing it back to you. So cute! You will figure it out, big man! You have also started squealing and screaming when we play. You "sing" with us sometimes at night. You also have developed several different laughs. Its so fun!

We did a lot of fun things this month with you, boo! We took your first trip to the zoo, went apple picking, went to a pumpkin patch, and of course celebrated your first Halloween!

Your pumpkin costume was a little big....maybe it will fit next year!

You've started really giving hugs and kisses this month...well you're version. But you will wrap your arms around our neck when we hold you up on our shoulder. That is so fun. You will also give open mouth kisses from time to time which is pretty cute too.

You love bath time now, big guy! You play and play with your bath toys in there. You also love to try to suck all the water off the wash cloth. Too funny!

We started solid foods and cereal this month and that has been a lot of fun for everyone. You are really interested in eating and love to sit up at the table with us during meals. You will even improvise at restaurants and eat some things off our plate while sitting on our laps. You are just getting so big!

Here you are going to town on a pear:

Your daddy and I just can't believe you are already 6 months old, little man! You are sitting up on your own, playing and really focusing on your toys, giving hugs and kisses (even to the puppies, who you love), and eating some solid foods this month! How time has flown by since you came into our lives. We are so blessed to be your parents and can't wait to watch you grow up! (just not too fast, please).

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