Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Christmas Wish List 2011

Can you believe the holidays are approaching! It seems like this year has just flown by. In keeping with last year's tradition, I thought I would post a wish list. No pressure or anything, just a fun list of things I'd like to have. Mostly its boring stuff for the house. ha!

I would really like to have a medium sized crock pot. Currently we have a huge one and a tiny one. I think a 5 or 6 cup crockpot would be good. Maybe one like this one or this one. It doesn't have to be fancy at all. Just turns on and get the job done! I mostly want it for things I would bring to work or for smaller dishes I might make for a party.
We could use a new toaster too. Ours sucks pretty bad. I was thinking of a 4 slice one, but a decent 2 slice one would do too. Maybe this or this.

I could really use an apple peeler/corer. We have been going through a lot of apples with Steven and this would really come in handy.
We could also use some new kitchen towels. I have a couple older ones and its time for an upgrade! I would really like some that actually absorb liquids and don't just look pretty! ha! Maybe some like these or these or these or these. Our kitchen is pretty blue and white, but any color that would go with that would be fine.

So enough stuff for the house! Something for me! I'm really into lariat necklaces lately. This one or this one are my favorites.

I love lotion from Victoria's Secret and I'm almost out! I really love all their scents and their lotion is so amazing. It works wonders on my skin. So any of those lotions would be a great gift!

I've also been getting into wearing scarves lately so I would love a couple more. I'm not super particular about them, just interesting ones. I wear all colors so really any color would be fine. There are some I like here here here here here here and here

As far as gift cards, my favorite places to shop right now are the Loft and Old Navy. Steve and I would love a gift card for some place yummy to eat too! Of course, Target gift cards are always appreciated.

Some thoughts for the holidays!

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